Happy New Year
from NewCaledonia@

Happy New Year

Sorry it has been a long time since I have written to you. How are you and Nagi-san?

This year I went fishing at New Caledonia in November. It is the wrong time of the year for bonefish with the low tides being too high, lots of wind and not much sunshine. So, I had very few chances to cast to any fish. The fish that are there are very big so maybe next time I go I will try when the conditions are better (June-August). I did catch a lot of Trevally, one that is about 12 lbs so that kept it interesting. I've attached a picture of that fish.

I saw on the internet that you are guiding in Japan as well. You probably have a lot of good stories to tell.

I am also writing to let you know that I plan to go to Christmas Island again this year around the middle of August. I think that is when you are busy at home but thought I would ask to see if you are interested.

Take care


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